Dr. Abhaya Indrayan, MSc,MS,PhD(OhioState), FAMS,FRSS,FSMS,FASc
Founder Professor of Biostatistics, and Head (Retd.)
Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics
Delhi University College of Medical Sciences
Dilshad Garden, Delhi 110 095
Currently: Biostatistics Consultant, Max Healthcare
Phone: 91-9810315030 email: [email protected]
b: 11 November 1945
For my page at Wikipedia, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abhaya_Indrayan
For medical biostatistics topics, visit http://www.MedicalBiostatistics.com
Prof Indrayan is the only biostatistician in India as of 2025 to be honored with the fellowship of the Indian Academy of Sciences (of Dr CV Raman fame). He completed MS and PhD from the Ohio State University in a record time of three years. He established the first Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics in India – that too in a non-PG medical institution – in the year 1995, which was later emulated by SGPGI (Lko) and JIPMER (Py). He retired as Head of this department in 2010 and is currently (2025) working as a Biostatistics Consultant at Max Healthcare.
Prof Indrayan is respected as the top biostatistician in the country with more than 300 publications, including a large number of his own research on medical biostatistics. He has authored 6 books, three of which are published in the US for international audience, and more than 20 chapters. He has completed nearly 40 projects for the World Health Organization, the World Bank, and the UNAIDS. He has also been running an online course for an international audience for the past 20 years in collaboration with a US institute. Prof Indrayan has been a Visiting Faculty at the Ohio State University and a Visiting Research Scientist at the University of Massachusetts. He has presented his work in 17 international conferences.
Prof Indrayan is serving biostatistics in several ways. He has developed a medically integrated curriculum of biostatistics for medical under- and postgraduate students that medicalizes the subject of biostatistics. His publications on Personalized Statistical Medicine, medical uncertainties, and the conundrum of P-values are widely acclaimed. Among his original ideas are the smoking index, objective measurement of an individual’s positive health, scoring for assessing the quality of the process of medical research from choosing a problem to its publication, a simple and robust method of measurement of agreement without Bland-Altman limits, correct method for assessing predictive performance of a model, and ‘promote heart disease, stop cancer’ by research on choosing the cause of death in old age.
Books Authored
1. Concise Encyclopedia of Biostatistics for Medical Professionals, CRC Press, 2016
(Martin Holt of Leicester, UK, is the second of the two authors.)
The encyclopedia explains more than 1000 biostatistical terms and concepts in non-mathematical language for our medical colleagues. Profusely illustrated with figures, graphs and tables. Click Contents to see the alphabetical list of these terms and concepts.
Contents Full details
2. Medical Biostatistics, Chapman&Hall/CRC Press, Fourth Edition, 2017
(Rajeev Kumar Malhotra is the second of the two authors.)
Projects biostatistics as a science for managing medical uncertainties. Completely oriented to medical sciences. Received excellent reviews from world’s top resources, including the one that says that it is “perhaps the most complete book on biostatistics…” , and “seems to be an encyclopedia”, Click here to see the wide range of topics covered in the book.
Details. Contents. Original Thoughts Guide to Statistical Methods Unique Contribution of the Book
3. Research Methods for Medical Graduates, CRCPress, 2019
Explains A to Z of basics of medical research, extremely useful for postgraduate and doctoral theses in medicine, surgery, super-specialties, written in easy language that is conducive to medical graduates. Also useful for dental, nursing and pharmacy PG students.
Details. Contents.
4. Basic Methods of Medical Research, Fifth Edition, 2022
A comprehensive guide to do quality research from selection of the problem to literature review, designing, sample size, collection and collation of data, analysis, writing of the paper and presentation in the conferences.
Details. Contents
5. Simple Biostatistics for MBBS, PG Entrance and USMLE, Fifth Edition, Brillion Publishers, 2019
(Satyanarayana Labani is the second of the two authors)
A three-in-one book covering the needs of MBBS syllabus, PG Entrance competition and USMLE examination. Creates a character, Dr Science Singh, to explain biostatistical concepts to medical students.
Details. Contents. Formula sheet
6. Biostatistics for Medical, Nursing and Pharmacy Students, Prentice-Hall of India, 2006
(Satyanarayana Labani is the second of the two authors)
Comprehensive coverage of all topics of biostatistics for para-medical students
Food & Drug Administration, USA, 1994
National Center for Health Statistics, USA, 1994
University of Massachusetts, USA, 1992
7. Unparalleled contribution to the college (UCMS). List
Awards Instituted
PhD(Biostatistics), The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 1977, with a grade point average (GPA) of 3.88 (97%) and completed both MS and PhD in a record period of three years – received prize for best Biostatistics student
Biostatistics Consultant, Max Healthcare Institute, New Delhi (2014 - )
Adjunct Faculty, Public Health Foundation of India (2016 -)
Founder Professor and Chair, 1995-2010 (Retired)
Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics
Delhi University College of Medical Sciences, Delhi
Previous jobs—Reader at Delhi UCMS, Visiting faculty at the Ohio State, Teaching Associate at the Ohio State, Lecturer at Allahabad.
Professional Societies
Elected Member, International Statistical Institute 1997- 2007
Elected Member, National Academy of Medical Sciences Since 1989
International Biometric Society, Member 1988-2013
Member, International Technology Committee 1996-1999
Council Member (Indian Region) 1997-2000
Computer Society of India, Life Member Since 1986
Convener, Special Interest Group on Medical Informatics 1994-1997
Indian Society for Medical Statistics, Life Member Since 1983
President 2015
President-Elect 2013-2014
Advisory Council 1984-91 and 1995-97
Convener, Curriculum Committee 1986-1987
Awards Committee 1995-98 and 2001-2003
Fellowship Committee Since 2002
Chairman, Silver Jubilee Committee 2008-2011
Chairman, Committee on Biostatistics Education 2015
International Epidemiological Association, Member 1978-2014
Founder Professor of Biostatistics, and Head (Retd.)
Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics
Delhi University College of Medical Sciences
Dilshad Garden, Delhi 110 095
Currently: Biostatistics Consultant, Max Healthcare
Phone: 91-9810315030 email: [email protected]
b: 11 November 1945
For my page at Wikipedia, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abhaya_Indrayan
For medical biostatistics topics, visit http://www.MedicalBiostatistics.com
Prof Indrayan is the only biostatistician in India as of 2025 to be honored with the fellowship of the Indian Academy of Sciences (of Dr CV Raman fame). He completed MS and PhD from the Ohio State University in a record time of three years. He established the first Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics in India – that too in a non-PG medical institution – in the year 1995, which was later emulated by SGPGI (Lko) and JIPMER (Py). He retired as Head of this department in 2010 and is currently (2025) working as a Biostatistics Consultant at Max Healthcare.
Prof Indrayan is respected as the top biostatistician in the country with more than 300 publications, including a large number of his own research on medical biostatistics. He has authored 6 books, three of which are published in the US for international audience, and more than 20 chapters. He has completed nearly 40 projects for the World Health Organization, the World Bank, and the UNAIDS. He has also been running an online course for an international audience for the past 20 years in collaboration with a US institute. Prof Indrayan has been a Visiting Faculty at the Ohio State University and a Visiting Research Scientist at the University of Massachusetts. He has presented his work in 17 international conferences.
Prof Indrayan is serving biostatistics in several ways. He has developed a medically integrated curriculum of biostatistics for medical under- and postgraduate students that medicalizes the subject of biostatistics. His publications on Personalized Statistical Medicine, medical uncertainties, and the conundrum of P-values are widely acclaimed. Among his original ideas are the smoking index, objective measurement of an individual’s positive health, scoring for assessing the quality of the process of medical research from choosing a problem to its publication, a simple and robust method of measurement of agreement without Bland-Altman limits, correct method for assessing predictive performance of a model, and ‘promote heart disease, stop cancer’ by research on choosing the cause of death in old age.
Books Authored
1. Concise Encyclopedia of Biostatistics for Medical Professionals, CRC Press, 2016
(Martin Holt of Leicester, UK, is the second of the two authors.)
The encyclopedia explains more than 1000 biostatistical terms and concepts in non-mathematical language for our medical colleagues. Profusely illustrated with figures, graphs and tables. Click Contents to see the alphabetical list of these terms and concepts.
Contents Full details
2. Medical Biostatistics, Chapman&Hall/CRC Press, Fourth Edition, 2017
(Rajeev Kumar Malhotra is the second of the two authors.)
Projects biostatistics as a science for managing medical uncertainties. Completely oriented to medical sciences. Received excellent reviews from world’s top resources, including the one that says that it is “perhaps the most complete book on biostatistics…” , and “seems to be an encyclopedia”, Click here to see the wide range of topics covered in the book.
Details. Contents. Original Thoughts Guide to Statistical Methods Unique Contribution of the Book
3. Research Methods for Medical Graduates, CRCPress, 2019
Explains A to Z of basics of medical research, extremely useful for postgraduate and doctoral theses in medicine, surgery, super-specialties, written in easy language that is conducive to medical graduates. Also useful for dental, nursing and pharmacy PG students.
Details. Contents.
4. Basic Methods of Medical Research, Fifth Edition, 2022
A comprehensive guide to do quality research from selection of the problem to literature review, designing, sample size, collection and collation of data, analysis, writing of the paper and presentation in the conferences.
Details. Contents
5. Simple Biostatistics for MBBS, PG Entrance and USMLE, Fifth Edition, Brillion Publishers, 2019
(Satyanarayana Labani is the second of the two authors)
A three-in-one book covering the needs of MBBS syllabus, PG Entrance competition and USMLE examination. Creates a character, Dr Science Singh, to explain biostatistical concepts to medical students.
Details. Contents. Formula sheet
6. Biostatistics for Medical, Nursing and Pharmacy Students, Prentice-Hall of India, 2006
(Satyanarayana Labani is the second of the two authors)
Comprehensive coverage of all topics of biostatistics for para-medical students
- More than 300 publications List
- Presented invited and contributed papers to more than 15 international conferences List
- A large number of projects completed List
- Human Development Index for States of India (first such study in India, 1999) Reference
- First burden of disease (DALYs) study in India (2002) Reference
- Health Atlas of India (2005) Details
- HIV database (2000) Details
- A comprehensive index of smoking (Indrayan’s smoking index) (2008) Details
- Newer methods in Biostatistics: (i) A simple method for assessing agreement: (ii) Predictivity-based ROC curve, (iii) Statistical medicine; (iv) Importance of small size Details
- Full text articles Details
- Recent Biostatistics methods research (i) Misuse of ROC Curves in Prediction Details; (ii) Objective Measurement of Personalized Positive Health Details; (iii) Personalized Statistical Medicine Details; (iv) Unrealized Impact of Medical Uncertainties Details; (v) Agreement Assessment by Flexible Limits Details; (vi) Improved SAMPL Guidelines for Statistical Reporting Details; (vii) Scoring for Quality of Medical Research (QERM) Details; (viii) Statistical Significance vs. Medical Significance Details
- Nurture heart diseases—stop cancer (2001). Details
- Biostatistics as a science of managing medical uncertainties (2021). Details
- Internationally applicable social classification (2002) Details
- Meteorological forecasting in India—predict the change in weather. Details
- Positive health (First proposed in our book in 2002) Details. Full details available at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10353687/
- Medical integrated curriculum of biostatistics for postgraduates in medical and allied colleges (2015) Details
- Statistical medicine: An emerging new medical specialty (2017) Details Also see: Indrayan A. Personalized statistical medicine. Indian J Med Res. 2023 Jan;157(1):104-8. doi: 10.4103/ijmr.ijmr_1510_22. https://journals.lww.com/ijmr/Fulltext/2023/01000/Personalized_statistical_medicine.17.aspx
- Pocket health monitor as conceived in 1996 Details
- Statistical errors can kill many (2021) Details
- "P-values; Stuck in a quagmire" - Oration delivered in a conference at AIIMS, Patna in 2019 DownloadPPT
- Reporting of basic statistical methods in biomedical publications: Improved SAMPL guidelines (2020) Full Article Only SAMPL Guidelines
- Agreement assessment without Bland-Altman limits (2021) Details Also see: Indrayan A. Direct use of clinical tolerance limits for assessing the degree of agreement between two methods of measuring blood pressure. Southern Med J 2023;116(5):435-9. DOI: 10.14423/smj.0000000000001551 https://europepmc.org/article/MED/37137481
- Expert Committees and Task Forces. List
- Projects completed for WHO, World Bank and UNAIDS. List
- PhD and MD/MS theses supervised. List
- Chaired a large number of scientific sessions and Resource Person for many workshops
- Selection committees: Served as chair for some selection committees and as expert for large number of selection committees including at UPSC (among several, at one time for all-India services) and ICMR
- Invited Talks/Seminars delivered (International)
Food & Drug Administration, USA, 1994
National Center for Health Statistics, USA, 1994
University of Massachusetts, USA, 1992
7. Unparalleled contribution to the college (UCMS). List
Awards Instituted
- National Academy of Medical Sciences (India) - Dr Abhaya Indrayan Award to a Biomedical/Clinical/Public Health Scientist/Biostatistician for a significant contribution in the field of clinical epidemiology, epidemiology or biostatistics as applied to a subject that may have relevance to health sciences
- Indian Society for Medical Statistics - Prof. A. Indrayan Travel Award to Senior Members
- Manipal Academy of Higher Education - Professor Abhaya Indrayan Award for the Best Outgoing MSc (Biostatistics) Student
- Public Health Foundation of India - Prof Indrayan Award in Biostatistics for MPH students
- Epidemiology Foundation of India - Prof Indrayan Award for Excellence in Epidemiology/Biostatistics
- University College of Medical Sciences - Indrayan Award for Excellence in Research
- Elected Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences (a UGC-recognized distinction) - first and till 2022 the only Biostatistician in India to be so honored
- Elected Fellow of the National Academy of Medical Sciences (rare distinction for a non-medical scientist at that time - 1998)
- Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society
- Elected Fellow of the Indian Society for Medical Statistics
- Selected for (i) Who’s Who in Asia, 2007; (ii) Who’s Who in the World, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2006; (iii) Asia/Pacific Who’s Who, 2002; (iv) Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century, 2000; (v) Man of the Year 1999 (American Biographical Institute), Distinguished Scientist Award, 2020, Lifetime Achievement Award 2022, Bharat Gaurav Puraskar, 2023, etc.
- Featured in the Bulletin of the International Biometric Society, 1995 Details
- News about my work appeared in the Times of India (1994), Amrita Bazar Patrika (1996) , the Hindu (1998), and Indian Express (2021)
PhD(Biostatistics), The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 1977, with a grade point average (GPA) of 3.88 (97%) and completed both MS and PhD in a record period of three years – received prize for best Biostatistics student
Biostatistics Consultant, Max Healthcare Institute, New Delhi (2014 - )
Adjunct Faculty, Public Health Foundation of India (2016 -)
Founder Professor and Chair, 1995-2010 (Retired)
Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics
Delhi University College of Medical Sciences, Delhi
Previous jobs—Reader at Delhi UCMS, Visiting faculty at the Ohio State, Teaching Associate at the Ohio State, Lecturer at Allahabad.
- A large number of assignments with WHO, World Bank, and UNAIDS. Details
- Member, Technology Committee, International Biometric Society, 1996-1999
- Convener, Special Interest Group on Medical Informatics, Computer Society of India, 1995-1999
- Committees of Indian Society for Medical Statistics. Details
- Visiting Faculty at the Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA, 1983-84
- Visiting Research Scientist at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, 1995. Recognized for Outstanding Service as a Visiting Research Scientist.
Professional Societies
Elected Member, International Statistical Institute 1997- 2007
Elected Member, National Academy of Medical Sciences Since 1989
International Biometric Society, Member 1988-2013
Member, International Technology Committee 1996-1999
Council Member (Indian Region) 1997-2000
Computer Society of India, Life Member Since 1986
Convener, Special Interest Group on Medical Informatics 1994-1997
Indian Society for Medical Statistics, Life Member Since 1983
President 2015
President-Elect 2013-2014
Advisory Council 1984-91 and 1995-97
Convener, Curriculum Committee 1986-1987
Awards Committee 1995-98 and 2001-2003
Fellowship Committee Since 2002
Chairman, Silver Jubilee Committee 2008-2011
Chairman, Committee on Biostatistics Education 2015
International Epidemiological Association, Member 1978-2014