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We requested all medical and health institutions in the country, including research agencies, to supply details of their epidemiological work on HIV—published or not. This included information on prevalence and incidence of HIV in various risk groups (female sex workers, persons with sexually transmitted infections, males-with-sex-with-male, truckers, voluntary and professional blood donors, tuberculosis patients, children with AIDS due to maternal transmission, antenatal women, general population, etc.) age and gender wise with details of sample size, method of selection, method of detecting HIV, etc.
Articles on the above topic were also searched from PubMed and other databases such as PopLine, IndMed, and US Bureau of Census.
Reports of various government organizations such as NACO sentinel surveys, blood surveillance, etc.
Individual experts and teachers contacted for additional information on HIV epidemiology
More than 800 documents were detected, and the epidemiological information extracted into an Excel database.
The project was supported by UNAIDS. It was initially done for India on pilot basis, then adopted for countries of the Region, namely Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal.
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