A. PhD
1. Multilevel modeling approach to evaluate the quality of the multivariate logistic regression reporting in national and international medical journals (Rajeev Kumar, 2013)
2. Generalized linear models for correlated ordinal response related to paired organs and their application to ophthalmology data (Ehsan Kazemnejad Leilli, 2008)
3. Statistical index of under-five mortality for various states in India and the study of its time series over 20 years (L. Satyanarayana, 1996)
4. Development of a statistical index of health for Indian population (C. Chandra Sekhar, 1993)
5. Computer simulation comparison of cluster analysis techniques (Naresh Chand Jain, 1987)
1. Does caffeine prevent the effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive functions? (Promod Tayal, MD, Physiology, 2008)
2. Estimation of gestational age by anthropometry at birth (Sidhartha Kumar Sethi, MD, Pediatrics, 2005)
3. Development and evaluation of a new injury severity score suitable for Indian conditions (Ramanjeet Singh Sethi, MS, Orthopedics, 2003)
4. Validity of predictors in assessment of severity of acute bronchiolitis (Ruchi Rai, MD, Pediatrics, 1998)
5. Evaluation of various scoring systems including UCMS model for clinical diagnosis of thyroid dysfunction in patients of Delhi and neighbourhood areas (Ashish Aneja, MD, Medicine, 1998)
6. Evaluation of clinical scoring in diagnosis of common thyroid disorders (Seema Dhir, MD, Medicine, 1996)
7. Epidemiology of trauma in a village of east Delhi: A community based study (Student, MD, PSM, 1995)
8. Parental influence on blood pressure level of people in a village of east Delhi (Anoop Kumar Puri, MD, PSM, 1991)
9. Infectious skin morbidity in a population of a cattle dairy farm in a rural area of India (Sarvapriya, MD, PSM, 1989)
10. A clinico-social study of drug dependence including alcoholism in a jhuggi-jhompri colony in Delhi (Yogesh Choudhri, MD, PSM, 1987)
11. Blood pressure levels in an adult urban population of Delhi (Ashwani Kumar Sarna, MD, PSM, 1986)
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