World Health Organization
1. Prepared revised criteria for budget allocation to the Member States, 2015
2. Prepared national estimates of use of smokeless tobacco in many south-east Asian countries, 2013-2014.
3. Analyzed Maldives Demographic and Health Survey data for prevalence and sociodemographic risk factors of dual (smoking as well as chewing) use of tobacco, 2014
4. Prepared national profile of users of various forms of tobacco and obtained prevalence by age, sex, education and urban/rural area of Nepal, 2013.
5. Prepared a report on exclusive smoking, exclusive use of smokeless tobacco and dual use as well as national profile of users of various forms of tobacco, Myanmar, 2012.
6. Prepared estimates of mortality attributable to smoking, smokeless tobacco and dual use for major states of India, 2012.
7. Prepared Regional and country wise estimates of attributable mortality due to use of smokeless tobacco in South-East Asia Region, 2011
8. Prepared draft of the background document for Regional Technical Consultation on Noncommunicable Diseases, 2011.
9. Compiled data tables on noncommunicable diseases in 11 countries of South-East Asia, 2011
10. Completed draft of Regional report on non-communicable diseases in South-East Asia, 2010
11. Biostatistics expert to Informal Consultation on Burden of Malaria in South-East Asia Region, 2010
12. Completed data validation exercise for their report Regional Health Situation, 2008
13. Prepared country level questionnaire on health information system, 2008
14. Participated as Biostatistician in the Informal Consultative Meeting on Estimation of Malaria Disease Burden in India, 2007
15. Prepared Discussion Document for and Participated in Consultative Meeting on Regional Representation in Executive Board of WHO, 2007
16. Expert for meeting on Health Metrics for Regional Representation in Executive Board of WHO, Bangkok, 2007
17. Prepared the book “11 Health Questions about the 11 SEAR Countries”, 2007
18. Public Health Editor for various chapters of the Biregional Health Report for Asia and the Pacific, 2006
19. Drafted three chapters for WHO biregional report—Socioeconomic Trends, General Morbidity, and General Mortality, 2005
20. Collaborated for Health Information System and Regional Health Indicators, 2004
21. Temporary Adviser for Training Workshop on Tools and Methods for Health Measurement in South-East Asia and Western Pacific, Bangkok, 2004
22. Prepared a document on Reviewing, Computing and Summarizing core Health Indicators and Regional Averages, 2004
23. Temporary Adviser in the Regional Workshop on Burden of Disease Estimation, Yangon (Myanmar), 2003
24. Collaborated for preparing a manual of National Burden of Disease analysis, Geneva, 2002
25. Temporary Adviser to Regional Consultation on Health System Performance Assessment, 2001
26. Participated in WHO training for health system performance assessment in Bali (Indonesia), 2000
27. Temporary Adviser to Meeting on Resource Allocation in WHO, Bangkok, 1999
28. Participated in WHO training for assessment of burden of disease (DALYs) in Lorne (Australia), 1999
29. Collaborated for studies on Human Development Index and Years-of-Life lost and prepared estimates for the states of India, 1998-99
30. Temporary Adviser for Meeting on Estimation Methodology of Maternal Mortality Around the World, 1998
31. Collaborated for preparing Human Development Index for states of India, 1998
32. Collaborated on writing a book on health statistics, Geneva, 1995
33. Temporary Adviser for analysis of data on child survival, Pune, 1994
34. Collaborated on developing a standard programme of teaching health statistics, Geneva, 1988-89
Part-time consultant for synchronization of HIV databases in countries of South Asia, 2001
Short-term Professional for setting up HIV databases in countries of South Asia, 2000
Organized and participated in Regional Meeting on HIV Databases, Manesar, 2000
Prepared comprehensive HIV database for India for their advocacy (SAPA) project, 1999-2000
The World Bank
Short-term consultant for resource allocation models for controlling HIV/AIDS in West Bengal, 2004
Short-term consultant for preparing a comprehensive report on epidemiology of HIV/AIDS in India, 2002
Short-term consultant for doing sensitivity analysis of estimates of HIV positives in India, 2002
Danish Assistance to National Programme for Control of Blindness (DANPCB)
Prepared computer package for Rapid Assessment of Cataract Surgical Services, popularly called RACSS and adopted by WHO, 1996-97
Consultant for rapid assessment methodology of assessment of cataract blindness prevalence, 1996
International AIDS Vaccine Initiative
Participated in Technical Consultation on Vaccine Trial Designs, New York, 2006
Cochrane Collaboration
Member, Statistical Methods Group for Glossary, Version 4.2.4, 2005
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