Invited and contributed papers to international conferences
1. Indrayan A, Rustagi RK. Clustering of Indian states for health management: An exploratory study. IX International Scientific Meeting of the International Epidemiological Association 1981; Edinburgh, UK.
2. Indrayan A, Jain NC. Literacy rate as a determinant of health status in Indian states. Regional Scientific Meeting of International Epidemiological Association 1983; Singapore.
3. Indrayan A. Towards developing health atlas of India. Regional Scientific Meeting of International Epidemiological Association 1986; Jhansi, India.
4. Indrayan A. Socioeconomic influence on mortality levels in a developing country. XI Scientific Meeting of International Epidemiological Association 1987; Helsinki, Finland.
5. Indrayan A. Measuring health component of quality of life in a developing country. V International Conference on Pharmaco-epidemiology 1989; Minneapolis, USA.
6. Indrayan A, Agarwal OP. Birth order and obstetric complications in a Delhi slum. International Epidemiological Association Meeting of Asia Pacific Region 1991; Nagoya, Japan.
7. Indrayan A. Statistical cartography in epidemiology. XVII International Biometric Conference 1994; Hamilton, Canada.
8. Indrayan A. Statistical cartography in epidemiology. International Epidemiological Association Congress (Regional) 1995; Shanghai, China.
9. Indrayan A. Increasing the accuracy of perception and cognition in univariate and multivariate choropleth maps on epidemiology. XIV International Scientific Meeting of the International Epidemiological Association 1996; Nagoya, Japan.
10. Indrayan A. Meta analysis and thematic cartography of trends in incidence of HIV in India and the states. VIII International Congress on Infectious Diseases, 1998; Boston, USA.
11. Indrayan A. Perception and cognition in univariate and multivariate choropleth maps of epidemiological indicators. LII Session of the International Statistical Institute, 1999; Helsinki, Finland.
12. Indrayan A.Trend in access to medical and health services in rural areas of India. IAOS2000 Conference on Statistics, Development and Human Rights, 2000; Montreux, Switzerland.
13. Indrayan A. Teaching statistical principles and methods in medical applications. LIII Session of the International Statistical Institute, 2001; Seoul, Korea.
14. Indrayan A, Bansal AK. HIV database in India for evidence-based policies. X International Congress on Infectious Diseases, 2002; Singapore.
15. Indrayan A. Aleatory and epistemic uncertainties in official assessments. International Conference on Official Statistics, 2002; London, UK.
16. Indrayan A, Kumar R, Chawla A. Years-of-life lost from top nine causes in rural areas of states of India: First results from Indian burden of disease study. XXI International Biometric Conference, 2002; Freiburg, Germany.
17. Indrayan A. An indirect assessment of status of pharmacoepidemiological work in India. XIX International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology, 2003; Philadelphia, USA.
18. Indrayan A. Redefining Biostatistics -- Managing Medical Uncertainties. X Islamic Co
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