Stop cancer - promote heart disease in old age
I wish the medical science tells me how I am going to die. As articulated in my Views published in BMJ (, my preferred mode of death is heart attack. The reason--simple. Almost no sustained pain to self and the family.
The medical science should be sufficiently advanced so that a person, during his or her life time, can promote the risk factors of choice for increasing chance to die by the chosen cause of death in old age.
If my premise is accepted, the entire heart care research should be directed to such ailments in young age and not for old age. Young age risk factors should be identified for control and old age risk should be identified for promotion for those who want. Any takers.
I wish the medical science tells me how I am going to die. As articulated in my Views published in BMJ (, my preferred mode of death is heart attack. The reason--simple. Almost no sustained pain to self and the family.
The medical science should be sufficiently advanced so that a person, during his or her life time, can promote the risk factors of choice for increasing chance to die by the chosen cause of death in old age.
If my premise is accepted, the entire heart care research should be directed to such ailments in young age and not for old age. Young age risk factors should be identified for control and old age risk should be identified for promotion for those who want. Any takers.