Stupendous Difference between PhD and MD/MS
Thesis is based on generally a small-scale investigation that puts forward a hypothesis to be tested by further study. Thesis must be completed strictly within a time frame not extending beyond 2 years. A good research work can not be undertaken because of time limitation. Pursued part-time as the duties of Resident are also done during the same period. The guide is generally called Supervisor whose intellectual resources are extensively utilized by the candidate. Student can rarely select a topic. It mostly depends on the Supervisor. In most cases, supervisor is imposed by the department. No time slot is provided to take courses on the topic of research. Objective is to provide training to the student in research methodology—thus process is more important than outcome. There is no requirement of any publication based on the research. Seldom provides results that can be immediately implemented in health care. Almost invariably based on institutional resources without support of any funding agency. There is no public defense of the findings. Volume is nearly 100 pages. Assessment of protocol is done within the institution. If needed, protocol needs to be revised within a short period. Master’s degrees. |
A detailed discourse or treatise on a particular topic that provides a new result or new perspective—must be capable of publication in a reputed journal. Usual time taken is 3-4 years of full time work and can be extended depending on the need of the work. Time is enough for a good research work that can provide satisfaction to the candidate and the Advisor. Almost the entire time is devoted to research. The guide is generally called Advisor and the work is mostly based on the candidate’s own intellectual contribution. Student selects his/her own topic of interest and selects Advisor who has expertise on that topic. Enough time is available to take short-term courses on the topic of research. Dissertation must provide new results that were not known before. It must be frank research. It must provide evidence of critical thinking of the candidate on the topic of research. The candidate must have published at least two papers out of the research work. Many times provides results that can be immediately implemented in health care. Mostly based on institutional resources but can be part of a large-scale research funded by some agency. Required to be publicly defended. Volume is generally 200 pages or more. Assessment is done at the university level. Protocol can be revised and resubmitted. Doctoral degree for which a Master’s is a pre-requisite. |