The concept of positive health was first proposed by Indrayan and Sarmukaddam on page 164 in their book Medical Biostatistics (First Edition), published by Marcel Dekker (now Taylor & Francis), in 2001
Background: Whereas the concept of normal levels of various parameters is extensively used in medical practice, the concept of optimal levels has not received much attention. We propose that it is time to pay attention to the optimal levels so that positive health can be measured.
Objective: The objective is to define optimal levels of medical parameters as that combination which prevents the occurrence of ailments or gives strength to fight these ailments if they occur.
Methods: A large number of articles and other literature was reviewed in search of medical parameters and their levels that could be considered to indicate optimal levels.
Result: The optimal combination of medical parameters that prevents occurrence of ailments and gives strength to fight if an ailment occurs, is conceptually beyond the ‘normal’ levels that we use in everyday clinical practice and can be considered to indicate positive health. This is illustrated with the help of several examples after dividing the concept of positive health into five domains on the pattern of quality-of-life assessment.
Conclusion: A concept of positive health has been proposed and its link to the optimal level of medical parameters is described. We plead that more efforts be made to identify the positive parameters of health, and their optimal levels that measure positive health be delineated.
For details see, Abhaya Indrayan, Gayatri Vishwakarma, Sanjeev Sarmukaddam, Saumya Verma, Beyond “Normal”: Optimal Levels of Medical Parameters for Assessing Positive Health, American Journal of Internal Medicine. Vol. 9, No. 4, 2021, pp. 166-170. doi: 10.11648/j.ajim.20210904.12
Background: Whereas the concept of normal levels of various parameters is extensively used in medical practice, the concept of optimal levels has not received much attention. We propose that it is time to pay attention to the optimal levels so that positive health can be measured.
Objective: The objective is to define optimal levels of medical parameters as that combination which prevents the occurrence of ailments or gives strength to fight these ailments if they occur.
Methods: A large number of articles and other literature was reviewed in search of medical parameters and their levels that could be considered to indicate optimal levels.
Result: The optimal combination of medical parameters that prevents occurrence of ailments and gives strength to fight if an ailment occurs, is conceptually beyond the ‘normal’ levels that we use in everyday clinical practice and can be considered to indicate positive health. This is illustrated with the help of several examples after dividing the concept of positive health into five domains on the pattern of quality-of-life assessment.
Conclusion: A concept of positive health has been proposed and its link to the optimal level of medical parameters is described. We plead that more efforts be made to identify the positive parameters of health, and their optimal levels that measure positive health be delineated.
For details see, Abhaya Indrayan, Gayatri Vishwakarma, Sanjeev Sarmukaddam, Saumya Verma, Beyond “Normal”: Optimal Levels of Medical Parameters for Assessing Positive Health, American Journal of Internal Medicine. Vol. 9, No. 4, 2021, pp. 166-170. doi: 10.11648/j.ajim.20210904.12